Increased CPU quotas

Considerably more power for your applications and sites

A semi-dedicated server has been designed to give you far more resources as compared to a shared web hosting package, however in the same user friendly bundle without any server administration needed. Also, since on a semi-dedicated server there are much less users than on a common hosting server, this suggests not merely considerably more resources for your websites but additionally enhanced stability for your online presence.

APT Cloud’s semi-dedicated hosting plans come with higher CPU consumption quotas, leading them to be a great option for your resource-intensive sites and applications.

Increased CPU quotas

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

All semi-dedicated hosting plans are accommodated in our top-class USA datacenter positioned in Chicago, Illinois. It was amongst the few US data center entities that allowed us to set up our unique internal network as well as the only one that could provide the hardware we needed in due time. It likewise has an outstanding support team, which is at hand around the clock.

Another great benefit of our USA datacenter is that it gives you superb network connectivity with the rest of the planet. Thanks to that, all US semi-dedicated hosting plans will take advantage of the best web site loading rates.

USA Data Center

Website Control Panel

Handle your sites with a simple click of the mouse

It is now really easy to maintain your sites with the new–generation Best Web Apps that we’ve designed for you with intuitiveness in mind. Control your data files with easy drag–n–drop activities, register, transfer and take care of a variety of domain names from a single location, create email addresses in an instant, operate email list initiatives without difficulty, configure and open your databases with a click, control site stat reports in real time, etcetera). Advanced programs like a framework installation software, an .htaccess generation tool and a hotlink protection application are enclosed too.

Website Control Panel

Increased MySQL queries

Host busy MySQL tables without difficulty

In addition to considerably larger CPU quotas, the semi-dedicated hosting plans come with a great deal of allotted MySQL queries. This can help you maintain considerably more resource-intensive apps and websites without needing to bother about any eventual service hiccups.

APT Cloud’s semi-dedicated hosting plans are loaded with diverse amounts of MySQL queries, which means you can select the configuration that suits your present and upcoming database processing requirements.

Increased MySQL queries

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Do not concern yourself about any of your sites with our semi-dedicated servers

We have put together our semi-dedicated hosting plans with reliability of functionality and protection of site content in mind. Given that the server strain is smoothly propagated among many physical machines, your sites will go on running quickly even if the server is under stress. This furthermore signifies that the hosting area is far less vulnerable to hacker and DDoS DoS attacks.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security